Why Solar

Our energy:
In everyday life, we consume a tremendous amount of energy. Our lives are styled around consumption of natural resources and consumption of energy.
Figure Down dramatically illustrates where all of this electrical energy goes. This figure is for USA lifestyle.
electrical energy- solar city
When we think about this, we can find that most of our energy is used in applications like: Air conditioning, space heating, water heating, cocking, electrical power for lights and computers... etc..It solar city all of our energy needs can be met directly with solar technology and solar systems (with no carbon emissions).
Why solar?The short answer to this question is “Why not solar?”Solar energy is clean, green, free, and best of all, isn’t going to be going anywhere for about the next five billion years so Earth could be a solar city .
If we look at the Figures shown down, we can see that there is a real solar energy resource and there is enough solar energy to be economically exploited around the world.
solar energy facts - why solar - solar city

solar energy facts - why solar -solar city
solar energy facts - solar city - why solar
As we saw, every square meter on earth can generate from 500 to 2500 kwh or more depending on the location . Don’t you think that this is the solar city time ?
For more compelling answer, follow us to know more solar energy facts and solutions .
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